There are so many great Country wedding locations in Melbourne and you don’t need to travel too far, to be out in the fresh air, green grass, vine yards and homesteads. Why not plan your wedding to have a country escape, where your guests can get away from the hustle and bustle of busy city […]
Tag Archives: #flower
The start of your wedding journey begins with theceremony, it is the most important part of your wedding, so why not make it a statement. This is your special day so lets make it all about who you are as a couple, The ceremony should reflect your personalities, from the setting to the colours, décor, […]
What’s more important about the racing season the horses or the fashion? Well the horses or course, because if you didn’t have the roses running around then there would not be any fashions on the field and you wouldn’t be able to get dressed up and drink champaign. If you would like to order a […]